Hello all. My name is Ben Meredith, and I’m a good friend of Jesse’s. He’s asked me to update the site here with the latest, so that he and Kristin can avoid having to repost everywhere.
The reason you get to hear from me for a bit is THEY GOT THE CALL! in the wee hours of Friday. Here’s what we know so far:
Surgery scheduled for 4PM today, pending a whole bunch of things with the donor and other transplant teams harvesting other organs.
Donor is a “19-29 year old male” in “fit” condition, and all the experts on hand think it’s a good match.
From Kristin:
We’ve had EKG, x-ray, tons of labs so far, and two doctors for questions. Everything is looking good. Surgery tentatively scheduled for 4pm, we won’t know until very shortly before then if it’s a go. We feel calm and confident. Thanks for continuing to pray!!
If you are into praying, now’s the time.
Also, (and he didn’t tell me to say this and will probably be mad that I did) since he stayed listed for so long, he expressed some mild concern regarding finances at the end of the month. It would mean a ton if, in addition to praying, you’d donate.
I’ll update with more as I hear it.
Thank you for this post! I was keeping up on Facebook, but wondered how long it would be until they stopped posted regularly. Praying, donating, and crossing my fingers that everything goes as smoothly as possible. Near tears and having a hard time working today…. let’s go Jesse!!
Certainly don’t want to minimize the other family who are losing a young man. So sad, but thankful that they are giving the gift of life to others. Somehow, I hope that helps them heal.
Thanks, Andrea. Even though it was a dry run, our planning worked and it was executed without a hitch. We are even more ready than “nearly perfectly ready.”